【同义词辨析】 2019-01-31 坚持persevere-persist

persevere: implies an admirable determination and suggests both refusal to be discouraged, as by failure, doubts, or difficulties, and a steadfast pursuit of an end or undertaking: ~d doggedly in his efforts to get good grades.    steadfast坚定沿着某条道路implies a steady and unwavering course in love, allegiance, or conviction, 如steadfast in their support of democracy坚定支持民主)

persist: often suggests a disagreeable or annoying quality, for it stresses pertinacity more than courage or patience and is likely to imply self-willed opposition to advice, remonstrance, disapproval, or conscience: the infuriating teasing that ~ed despite all her attempts to stop it.     pertinacious让人厌烦顽的坚持implies an annoying and irksome persistence,如a pertinacious salesman who wouldn't take no for an answer一个不罢休的销售,认为no就不是答案)

persevere坚持毅力: 表示一种让人钦佩的决心,既拒绝被失败疑虑困难吓退,又坚定追求事业目标, persist坚持顽固(贬): 常表示让人厌烦不快的坚持,拒绝建议劝告反对意见,强调顽固而不是勇气耐心。

记忆方法: 1) 首字母2P想成二人同心其利断金<==更能坚持    出自<周易>利:锋利;断:砍断,折断。 比喻只要两个人一条心,就能发挥很大的力量。

         2)坚持的意思是面对困难反对时仍然继续前进mean to continue in a course in the face of difficulty or opposition.